Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And More Snow

Build-A-Bear Workshop 18 in. Frosty The Snowman™ Plush Stuffed AnimalI have at least 7 inches of snow here.Towmorrow while my older brother builds his snowfort I'm going play Frosty.This is a simple game all you have to do is get a baseball cap and make a snowman,then you through the cap and if you don't get Frosty alive you give it to the next person in line.When my family was making a snowfort I kept on falling on my bottom because it was really icy. We had a lot of fun, but one side kept caving in so we had to keep redoing it. My fingers kept turning a pinkish so mom made me come in and warm them up. I can't wait until tomorrow, it's suppose to snow AGAIN.  Do you have snow where you are? Are you allowed to play in it?

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