Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Santa came with presents

Kiss and Tell
NECA Twilight "New Moon" Lunch Box (Rivals)
Pearls and RibbonsThis year I really loved what Santa gave me.I loved that he gave me decoretsive tatoo!Its called designer tatoos and body art.But I went on and finished my neckles from my nanny and papa.The neckles kit is called  Pearls and Ribbons and they look cute.But Santa got me an iCarly nightgown.He even got me an alarm clock that does beep,beep,beep.Also my dad asked 4 me 2 bring his stocking with resses pecies penut butter cups.Except he didn't have many candy  and I did.So I went and got my stocking full of candy.But  that dosen't beat my new moon lunch box!I even have a thermol 4 hot chocolate or soup.My Christmas is still going and what I really want is Selena Gomez Kiss and Tell cd!Its supposed 2 snow from Cristmas Eve 2 Friday!At lease I'll have 3 cds 2 listen 2 if it shuts my lights off.I can't wait 2 go in the snow and play downstairs today!I even love my December earrings I got!

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